How to Check if My Resume is ATS Friendly

ATS friendltresume

Jobseekers in the modern day are likely familiar with “Applicant Tracking Systems,” or ATS. Today, over 90% of businesses utilize an applicant tracking system to sift through job seekers’ applications and provide just the most promising prospects to hiring managers.

ATS Friendly Resume

The vast majority of resumes (about 75%) fail the ATS resume checker test since they aren’t structured properly or optimized with the right keywords. This piece will explain ATS applicant tracking systems and provide tips on how to make your CV more ATS-friendly. Finally, we provide an instance of a resume structure that is ATS-friendly and a helpful hack for bypassing the screening software.

Suggested Read: Purpose of resume​

Table of Contents

What is ATS Full Form? | What is ATS Resume Full Form?

Full form of ATS is Applicant Tracking Systems. 

What is an ATS Resume Checker?

An Applicant Tracking System is a software application used by organizations to manage their recruitment and hiring processes. An ATS resume in HR helps streamline the entire recruitment workflow, from posting job openings to selecting candidates and ultimately making a hiring decision. ATS work in favor of HR to optimize their hiring work.

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How Does an Applicant Tracking System Function?

An applicant tracking system or ATS resume checker is programmed to read a pre-formatted résumé and extract data such as the applicant’s education, employment history, and relevant abilities. If it finds that the applicant’s skills and experience are a suitable fit for the job opening, it will transmit the CV to the prospective employer.

Suggested Read: Resume Full Form/ Difference between CV & Resume​

When determining somebody to interview for a position, “the reality is, relatively few resumes get reviewed top to bottom by a person.”

By using an applicant tracking system, resume searches may be simplified or fully automated. A large number of job seekers is only one factor contributing to the difficulty of finding employment. With an average of over 250 resumes received for each online job posting, an ATS system may be a huge time-saver for the recruiting team. Resumes that don’t fit the criteria are automatically thrown out and never viewed by a person.

Create ATS friendly resume for fresher – Completely Free!

What is an ATS Friendly Resume? 

ATS friendly resume means a resume that Application Tracking System can read.

Create ATS Friendly Resume Free

System for Monitoring Job-Seekers

ATS Rejects Resumes

Therefore, what exactly is the issue?

Many otherwise competent applicants don’t get interviews because their resumes aren’t ATS-friendly. Truth be told, when determining somebody to consult for a job, very few applications are reviewed in their entirety by a person.

This guide offers everything you need to know to get your cv past an ats applicant tracking system, from basic resume styles to finding the correct keywords.

Constructing a CV that will get you noticed by applicant tracking systems

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If you want your resume to make it past an applicant tracking system, here are 5 things to bear in mind:

  • Regularized layout

  • Optimization of Search Terms

  • Submit as a Microsoft Word document/ PDF

  • Fill in the blanks for acronyms

  • Provide any pertinent details

ATS friendly resume point 1: Adhere to a standardized format

Avoid using creative fonts, unusual font sizes, or unusual margin sizes in your resume. An applicant tracking system (ATS) can best handle a resume that is both clear and simple in format and that also includes relevant keywords.

We have just released a resume template that works with applicant tracking systems (ATS) and a resume sample collection of 200+ resumes. 

ATS friendly resume point 2 : Optimal use of keywords

For the purposes of an applicant tracking system (ATS resume checker), this is a crucial part of a resume. In the context of an applicant tracking system (ATS resume checker), “keywords” are terms that indicate a level of relevance between your CV and the advertised position. A higher score on an applicant tracking system (ATS) scan might be expected when a candidate’s resume contains more of the keywords the company is looking for.

Essential keywords for your sector should already be included on your CV, and the position description is another excellent resource.

Having a list of your most important skills and abilities on your resume makes it simple to change out the relevant information for each job application.

Make sure that your resume highlights your expertise in Excel and Quickbooks if they are specified as criteria for the job you’re applying for.

ATS friendly resume point 3 :Send resume as a Microsoft Word file or pdf.

Word documents (either.doc or.docx) are favored by most hiring managers and are readily handled by all applicant tracking systems. PDFs can be processed by the vast majority of applicant tracking systems at this point, but not all.

To keep configuring an online application is, in the view of our team of experts, not worth the risk. If you want to ensure that your resume is readily readable by all ATSs, send it as a Word.doc.

ATS friendly resume point 4: always use their full names when referring to an acronym.

Because an ATS friendly resume checker may not know what an abbreviation stands for, it’s best to write it out at least once. Spell out any acronyms in case the applicant tracking system is seeking for the full version of the term instead.

Finally, this will ensure that everyone who looks at your resume will have a clear understanding of your experience and skills without having to wade through unnecessary technical terms. It’s not always the case that the individual in charge of recruiting is an expert in the duties associated with the position. Refine your present resume so that it is simple to read and compatible with applicant tracking systems.

Abbreviations that should be spelled explicitly include:

(Certified Public Accountant) CPA

(Search Engine Optimization) SEO

(Master of Business Administration) MBA

ATS friendly resume point 5: Be sure to provide pertinent details.

The applicant tracking system (ATS) examines your CV to see whether it matches the requirements of a given position. Don’t apply for an accounting position by submitting two pages of sales experience. Your CV has so little pertinent information that the ATS-friendly resume checker will most certainly reject it.

Include relevant education, and soft and hard skills, or reframe your prior experience to make it more applicable to the role if you lack relevant work experience. Your CV may be tailored to your new position by emphasizing your transferrable talents.

The time has come to put all we’ve learned about ATS-friendly resumes to work, so let’s get started with a solid template.

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Resumes that passes ATS

So as an applicant, you should prioritize an ATS’s capacity to read and organize your CV.

How to make ATS Friendly Resume?

ATS Friendly Resume Free download

Then, how exactly does an ATS Interpret Your Application Materials?

An applicant tracking system (ATS) is a computer program that analyzes resumes submitted in applications for jobs. A “candidate profile” is compiled from the parts of your application that can be read by a computer, such as your résumé in a machine-readable format. The ATS-friendly resume checker may then use this information to search, filter, and rank candidates.

Its capacity to screen resumes helps narrow the pool of candidates by eliminating those who don’t fulfill the criteria for the position before they are ever seen by a recruiter. Those who don’t make the cut are usually informed that they weren’t chosen, while those who do are often invited to go on to a phone screening or a prerecorded video interview.

The use of applicant tracking systems by businesses is popular because of its many benefits.

One could wonder, “Why do organizations need to employ an ATS, isn’t my application worth a person to evaluate it?” Particularly in the age of “one-click apply” and “work-from-anywhere,” businesses may get hundreds, if not hundreds, of applications for a single position. Manually reviewing each résumé would be too time-consuming and expensive for most businesses. The applicant may not know whether they were successful for up to a year.

Applicant monitoring systems save up time for recruiters to do more valuable work, including conducting in-depth interviews with top applicants.

Know what is a resume parser and how does it work.

When Do You require an ATS friendly Resume Checker approved CV?

Most big and medium-sized businesses nowadays employ applicant tracking systems to streamline the hiring process. Most large companies (especially those in the Fortune 500) now utilize applicant tracking systems (ATS-friendly resume checker) to sift through resumes and other application materials. Several of the largest corporations, like Google and Apple, have developed their own application tracking systems.

In a nutshell, there is absolutely no way to avoid it. Making sure your CV is ATS-friendly is a must. Even if you’re the most qualified applicant, you probably won’t receive an interview if an applicant tracking system (ATS resume checker) can’t understand your CV.

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What Should You Do to Ensure That Your Resume Is ATS-Ready?

If your Resume is not ATS friendly

First, avoid elaborate fonts and spacing (even tables can hurt your resume)

In an attempt to stand out from the crowd, many job seekers may get creative regarding their resume presentation. Some people go so far as to pay to have their resumes professionally designed. An applicant tracking system will, alas, eliminate all of this, and probably before a human recruiter ever sees it. However, if you’re using an older, less sophisticated applicant tracking system, elaborate formatting may lead to misinterpretation of your application.

Headers and footers are a potential source of misplaced or incorrect text.

Text may get jumbled in complex tables (such as those with merged cells).

Words in the text that are obscured by shading or color may as well not exist.

Free ATS resume checker or software is unable to decipher company logos or other visuals.

Use of non-standard characters in bullet points might confound automated text readers.

A computerized testing system (ATS) may bypass text fields.

Use a basic format for dates.

Dates are often searched for in applicant tracking systems using the MM/YYYY format, thus a date like 02/2021 would be searched for as February 2021. Month and year should always be included since giving only the year might lead to misunderstandings. Many ATS resume checkers automatically places any job history with merely a year on January 1st.

Also, make sure your resume contains the keywords that will be used to search for candidates.

A recruiter or hiring manager may do a keyword search on a submitted resume after the first screening process has been completed. That way, qualified individuals may be found more easily. Having the proper keywords isn’t as easy as just duplicating bits of their job description anymore. What you can do is as follows:

Compare job postings for comparable positions to identify areas of overlap in terms of the education and experience listed as prerequisites.

  • It is recommended that you focus on including keywords that describe commonly occurring requirements.

  • If you’re searching for a career as a content writer and you see that SEO is a common need, you should highlight your experience with SEO (if you have any) on your resume.

  • The connection between long-form words and their abbreviations or acronyms is lost on many popular ATSs. This might cause issues if the recruiter or the free ATS resume checker is only looking for one particular spelling of the term. Search engine optimization (SEO) and search engine optimization (Long Form) should both be on a resume for the aforementioned scenario.

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Don’t send resumes to places where you know you wouldn’t be considered for the position.

Tools like Indeed’s one-click application make it possible to apply to dozens of jobs in a short amount of time. However, an applicant tracking system (ATS) will act as a roadblock and reject your application based on your failure to fulfill specified keywords/criteria if you are applying to positions outside of your credentials to try your luck or acquire a job quicker.

The point of this guidance isn’t to stress the need of having every possible skill set and credential before applying for a job. Consider applying for your dream job even if you just have two years experience instead of the preferred five. Many businesses prefer to conduct interviews with a large number of applicants because they believe this increases the likelihood of finding someone with the necessary skills and experience.

Take care to reword your terminology.

All that’s at stake here is the accuracy of the information we have on you. You seem to really desire this job, yet there may be something you’re overlooking. For instance, you may use your formal training as real-world practice. While it won’t ensure success on the ATS, it greatly improves your odds.

How can I tell whether my resume has been formatted in a way that will be readable by applicant tracking systems?

Check how well your resume does compare to this ATS-optimized sample. Keep in mind these factors:

  • Standardized, backward-looking chronological order

  • Search terms strategically placed throughout the resume

  • Easy to read, with straightforward headings

  • We use full words for degrees and never use acronyms.

  • All work history is relevant to the same professional goal.

We provide a free automated task-specific evaluation (ATS) resume scan tool to assist with this comparison if you’re having problems doing so on your own. 

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Mistakes to Avoid When Creating an ATS Friendly Resume

Don’t send in numerous resumes to the same employer.

The ATS resume checker software may go through a candidate’s application history and pull up any and all open positions that match their qualifications. The hiring manager is going to be really confused if they find that you have applied to a wide variety of employment. People will doubt your sincerity in working for any company.

The ATS will not tolerate any attempts at cheating.

Some individuals may believe that the text may be stuffed with keywords while still conveying the intended message. Plus, there’s the tactic of supposedly fooling the algorithm by highlighting relevant terms in white inside the text. When you highlight certain text, the ATS makes it invisible. In addition, your data has to make sense. That is, as long as they are appropriately distributed throughout the text, you may use as many keywords as you wish. Check to see that the chosen words make sense and are easily understood.

Use a simple-to-read resume format.

It has been shown that chronological and hybrid resumes perform the best in ATS. The sequential form of narrative is more manageable, but a well-written functional resume shouldn’t be disregarded either.

Don’t go overboard on the “creativity.”

Other than visual aids like diagrams, there is a laundry list of no-nos that should be observed. The following is an illustration:

  • Logoss

  • Visualss

  • Columns

  • Titles and footers

They’re not exactly the most downloaded typefaces. Remove Helvetica, Arial, Georgia, Times New Roman, and Garamond from your line of sight.

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What Should I Do to Guarantee That My CV will be Accepted by Applicant Tracking Systems?

Following these tips will help guarantee that all ATS or applicant tracking systems properly parse your resume.

Create ATS Friendly Resume

Title each part using the appropriate convention: 

Use standard section names for your job experience and education areas. Put “Professional Expertise” rather than “My career in a summary” if you want to seem more professional.

Avoid using non-standard fonts

they might cause problems with optical character recognition (OCR) software. Use a common font (Garamond, Arial, Calibri, etc.) while writing.

Modern ATS is quicker

at scanning a multi-column layout, but there are still those that have trouble reading a resume with more than one column.

No trestles

It is not common for tables to be parsed properly. To avoid this, try formatting your resume using tabs and right/left aligns.

In other terms, no scanned images or diagrams: The content on your resume ought to be legible and highlightable. Don’t include charts, diagrams, or any kind of visuals in your CV.

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The Use of ATS Continues to Grow – The Perfect Job Is Right Around the Corner, Don’t Let It Slip Away!

Applicants should expect a more streamlined application and interview process thanks to the time and energy saved by recruiters using applicant tracking tools. If you want to increase your chances of being called for an interview, you should make sure that an applicant tracking system (ATS) can understand the information on your CV. By following the aforementioned advice, you can be sure that you’re giving yourself the greatest possible opportunity of making it through the initial step of the recruiting process.


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