Empowering job seeker candidates to perform well in interviews and hiring teams to pick the best fit candidates  

Intelligent, Secure, Cloud Platform

Enterprises and fast growing startups are hiring for sales roles at scale, across geographies. Finding enough, eligible candidates in cities and towns, shortlisting from in-sufficient content on resumes, making numerous phone calls and collaborating to complete interviews is a nightmare for recruitment teams.

Sourcing right-fit candidates, screening and interviewing consumes tremendous resources and causes delays. 


Interview Cracker platform makes this process a breeze for Talent Acquisition teams and recruiters. Companies can now achieve the sales hiring targets timely without compromising quality of candidates. Candidates get access to most powerful AI tools to prepare themselves and rock the interviews.

And yes, we are backed by industry’s finest investors and entrepreneurs.

Proud success stories

Recognised Technology Startup

NASSCOM 10000 startups incubatee