Why recruiters are using Video Interview

How reliable are conventional methods of staffing in the age of AI?

Well. Well! The talent crunch that wreaked havoc on the job market in 2022 persists into 2023, making it that much harder to fill open positions with qualified candidates.

A recent study by The Hindu says that even though many businesses are letting off workers, there will still be over 2 million open positions in the fields of artificial intelligence (AI), cybersecurity (Cyber), and blockchain technology by the year 2023.

Recruiters' need to meet the demand for qualified applicants has led to a rise in the prevalence of automatic video interview platforms.

How do we know this?

The majority of these automatic video conversations are used by up to 86% of recruiters and recruiting supervisors, according to a study performed by Harward Business Review 2.

Let's delve in and find out what a video interview platform is, how it differs from other automatic interview platforms, and how much time it can save a candidate during the recruiting process.

Video interviews are defined.

Recruiters will often use video conversations to perform talks with candidates. Applicants are asked to participate in a live, in-person audition via video. To conduct a video interview, recruiters email video call connections to potential hires, who then use their own devices to attend the conversation and communicate with the company's representatives in real-time.

Video talks are not the same thing as video chatting!

Our reliance on video conference apps like Skype, Zoom, Teams, and others has increased in tandem with the rise of distant work.

Every day, we use video conference applications to do a wide range of things, from providing reports and training classes to broadcasting live events and holding interviews. We're huge fans of chatting over video in any form.

The recruiting process can be sped up and made more streamlined by using one of the many automatic video interview screening tools available.

Exactly what is a live interviewing system?

Using a video interview tool, managers are able to perform questions from a distance. The need to physically go to a workplace building is obviated.

recruiting managers and marketers can use this tool to eradicate the possibility of implicit prejudices that may arise during the recruiting process by assessing candidates' soft skills, body language, and cultural match early on.

Artificial intelligence (AI), algorithms, scheduling tools, and other technologies are frequently employed by these platforms in order to facilitate the interview process. Furthermore, these systems can be readily integrated with applicant tracking systems (ATS) to provide a more in-depth knowledge of candidates in a unified interface, thereby facilitating the shortlisting of the most skill-fit possibilities.

The following functions are standard on most virtual interview screening platforms:

  • Make an evaluation link for a video discussion in under five minutes.
  • Quickly and easily send out multiple invitations at once.
  • Allows for monitoring and follow-up with timed alerts
  • Send in your questioning questions for evaluation by the committees
  • Ability to participate in video conferences whenever and wherever is convenient
  • Establish a cutoff date for evaluations

It's simpler to say than to actually do! There are a plethora of online evaluation tools on the market that promise to make the recruiting process easier to manage.

Recruiters have a wider variety of resources at their disposal as technology improves and becomes more widely available. Because of the worldwide shutdown and economic collapse caused by Covid, most businesses have switched to a virtual method of employment. The use of online interviews is nothing new in the business of hiring people. In the past, many businesses would use video recordings of applicants answering predetermined questions in order to perform preliminary interviews and decide whether or not to move forward with a full interview. Recruiters are not required to physically be present at the appointment. One-way online interviews were conducted during the initial stages of the recruiting procedure.

However, COVID compelled individuals to heavily employ this technology.  The use of live, in-person video interviews by recruiters and personnel managers has become widespread.

Due to the time savings afforded by video screening in comparison to traditional methods such as phone and in-person interviews, the hiring process can now be completed in significantly less time.

Recent developments in AI point to the next stage of online hiring, eliminating the need for managers to manually sift through candidates' video profiles before making a final decision. In this system, AI analyzes the responses of job applicants to determine which profiles are the most promising and then creates a selection of those profiles for human employees to review. The AI also takes into account the candidates' feelings, confidence and eye movement, and the depth of their responses to verify their scores and answers. Clever, well-planned responses that make relevant allusions help AI pick the best ones right away.

As more and more businesses see the advantages of video tools over conventional interview procedures, they have begun to implement video evaluations as part of their talent acquisition processes.

Let's take a closer look at the leading causes for employers to use video screening:

Timing is everything.

With video screening, employers can set up consecutive encounters with greater ease and efficiency. The interviewer and the applicant both benefits from the time savings, and the recruiting managers are able to quickly narrow down the best options from a larger group. 

Interview Cracker - This site is great because it allows candidates to demonstrate their skills and experience in a way that isn't always feasible in a face-to-face interview: through video viewing. 

The applicants can show the employers their project screens or introduce them. Even walk-in evaluations give hiring managers enough time to evaluate candidates and their work.

Recruiters can quickly evaluate applicants' abilities via online chat from all over the world without having to fly them in for an in-person meeting.

Thanks to advancements in AI, the process of hiring new employees has become significantly less laborious and significantly more efficient. The presence of interviewers is optional. Videos are screened, rated, and advanced to the next round all by AI. Recruiters are able to devote more time to the remaining steps of the recruiting process and to interact with applicants.

The analysis after an interview is simple.

Sometimes, important details are lost during in-person talks. Recruiters don't have enough information to properly evaluate candidates.  The recruiting team and the applicant can both lose out if the actual goal gets lost in the bustle of an in-person conversation.

The conversations can be viewed again and saved for later use if they are filmed. As a result, managers are better able to make an informed choice about whether or not to move forward with a candidate's application.

Team members can watch the movie together and use it as a resource for making snap judgments. Video evaluations allow for a comprehensive examination of not only facial emotions but also self-assurance, demeanor, and conversation.

The top candidates are identified through an AI-powered study of their levels of satisfaction, self-assurance, contentment, and straightforwardness, and then sent on to human recruiters for further consideration.

Artificial intelligence (AI) technology has proven capable and done an outstanding job of ranking out the best and putting forward the worthy ones on the next level, even when it comes to bulk employment of grads or freshers.

HireVue, a company specializing in recruitment technology, has developed a video AI tool that utilizes a candidate's own device's camera and microphone to conduct an initial interview.

Many major corporations are now using AI in their hiring processes, including Unilever, Dow Jones, and Goldman Sachs.

The head of human resources at Unilever claims that the company has saved 70,000 man-hours thanks to its automatic filtering system.

Scheduling and Organizing Video Showings

Recruiters and job seekers alike will appreciate how simple and doable the online application and interview process is. Video interviews can now be conducted both live and on-demand, making arranging an interview a breeze. AI-based recruiting processes allow applicants to capture their responses and submit them to recruiters at their convenience, which is especially helpful if they are pressed for time or otherwise unable to participate in in-person interviews.

Ideal claims that artificial intelligence will soon be the standard in automated hiring.

Maintaining a steady stream of professional contacts

Both parties should conduct themselves professionally and pay attention to the questions and responses they are exchanging during the interview process. Interview queries should be tailored to the position being sought, and candidates should do the same.

The conversation can be recorded on video in real-time and viewed later to make sure everything runs smoothly.

In conclusion, Recruitment departments value the many advantages of video interviews. Recruiters can pick from a range of video screening tools, including online web interviews, physical interviews, and artificial intelligence (AI) employment technology. Indeed, video interviews are the wave of the future in online hiring.

To what extent do online conversations vary? 

Video questioning software can be divided into two categories:

  1. Video chat with only one person (Recorded video interview)
  2. Face-to-face live chat (Live video interview)

A. Face-to-face live chat

A live video interview is a type of two-way video chat. With the help of a webcam and a microphone, recruiting managers can give applicants an interview without ever meeting them in person.   

Candidates and interviewers can have a conversation in real-time without physically being in the same place. Recruiters can now perform online, real-time conversations with applicants from anywhere in the world using live video questions.

B. Video chat with only one person

Video conversations that only go in one direction are also called taped video interviews. It is an interview, and the term implies that it is brief and documented. Candidates can participate in this form of evaluation from the comfort of their own homes or offices.

Candidates can be given on-screen guidance in the form of pre-defined queries using this function. This conversation also provides an opportunity for group discussion, analysis, and comparison of performance and responses.

The assessment's performance data system also enables interviewers to compare and evaluate prospects in accordance with your specifications, streamlining the process. 

Why are online talks so helpful?

Virtual interviewing has many advantages for human resources departments.

  • Access to a more multicultural group is no longer restricted by distance.
  • Recruiters can use this to give candidates a more in-depth understanding of the company's values and workings.
  • Eliminate the possibility of making a bad hire.
  • It's useful for zeroing in on the best possible leads for your business.
  • helps candidates have a better time applying.
  • Provides the option to submit queries in advance using voice, video, or writing.
  • Provides a streamlined method of setting up repeating appointments.
  • You can tailor the queries asked of each candidate and have the completed form sent to them immediately following the interview.
  • Access the movie whenever you like and distribute it to your fellow administrators.
  • The uniformity of the interview topics guarantees a level playing field for all applicants.
  • Eliminates the need for guests to check in upon arrival, reducing the likelihood of late entries.
  • Allows hiring managers to conduct more video interviews with candidates in less time.
  • With the advent of video interview recording tools, virtual interviews have the potential to improve dialogue between all members of a decision-making team.
  • Applicants can be scored and comments on interviews can be left by anyone on your staff.
  • Using video questioning software is a great way to subtly gauge a candidate's digital savvy right off the bat.
  • By eliminating the need for a casual chat and making the first round of application review uniformly quick for everyone involved, video interviews have become the norm.
  • In addition to recording interviews, AI and NLP-powered video interview systems can capture conversations for deeper investigation. 
  • Candidates can benefit from using a video screening tool.
  • Candidates can provide a more in-depth introduction, complete with any sensitive information that may be relevant to the position being sought.
  • Candidates are given sufficient time to review the necessary contact points, allowing for a more exact demonstration of their abilities.
  • Applicants can avoid unnecessary expenses and time spent traveling.
  • Applicants can go back over their responses one last time before sending them in.
  • Candidates are more at ease during interviews when they don't have to worry about the time and money spent getting there.
  • It facilitates candidates' ability to reach out to companies beyond their immediate area.

Many companies still take face to face interviews. In that case be ready to face interviews personally. 

Learn tips & trick to face such interviews - 7 Tips to learn face to face interviews


In general, online interview sites are made so that managers can conduct many conversations in a brief amount of time, which speeds up the recruiting process. Recruiters can evaluate applicants' technological and verbal abilities using this technique without having to send anyone out of the office or spend any additional money. In addition, this style of interview gives you access to a number of modifiable features that will help you find and hire top talent.