sales job in india

A little bit of salesmanship is something that every person on the planet does. You are putting your best foot forward while applying for sales jobs for fresher. To succeed, even artists who despise the label "sell out" need to convince donors, reviewers, and their target audience to "purchase" their work.

Successfully selling a product, service, brand, or concept is the key to achieving long-term goals in any endeavor.

First, however, we need to define "Sales Job."

A salesperson's primary duty is to promote and sell an organization's goods and services to potential customers. As a rule, if you want to succeed in a sales role, you need to focus on lead generation and hitting your numbers. Client contract negotiations, sales presentations, and product demos might all fall within your purview. You could also be responsible for coordinating the activities of a full sales team, or you may be required to provide monthly or weekly reports to upper management.

The average salesperson's work week consists of how many hours each week?

Professionals in sales often put in more than 40 hours a week, and many put in more than 60 depending on their position.

What qualities are necessary for success in a sales role?

Skills such as these are highly sought after in salespeople.

  • The ability to express oneself clearly and persuasively in writing is essential for any professional, but it is especially crucial for those working in sales.

  • In order to be successful, salespeople need the ability to manage their time efficiently.

  • The ability to lead oneself and others is essential for success in sales.

Create A Sales Resume Free

Here are seven reasons why you should think about a career in sales, whether or not you're already working in sales.

1. You acquire useful knowledge and abilities

In-depth, hands-on training is provided by employers to assist salespeople to hone their craft and become more valuable employees. These talents are mostly examples of the "soft skills" that employers value greatly since they can be used in a wide variety of contexts.

Skills like bargaining, time management, communication, listening, social networking, creating trust, analytical thinking, presenting, client relationship management, and problem-solving are all essential in sales.

Since jobs in Sales and Marketing for freshers may be cutthroat, it's important to develop qualities like determination, fortitude, self-control, self-assurance, and a feeling of urgency if you want to succeed. Now put yourself in the shoes of a hiring manager and envision interviewing a candidate that exhibits these attributes and talents thanks to their time spent in sales. How would you decide on someone to hire?

2. It gives you an undeniable feeling of success

Even in sales jobs for freshers, the time spent trying to perfect your pitch, slogging over your keynote deck, carefully considering your client's needs from every angle, and brainstorming ways to improve your chances of succeeding will feel like a worthwhile investment the moment you start closing your first deals. The rush of victory is the one thing that makes you feel like you've finally done something right. Unfortunately, sales are often a zero-sum game, and everyone enjoys a victorious outcome.

What's even better is that success in sales will not go unnoticed. Those who work in sales have several opportunities to be recognized outside, such as by winning awards from organizations and industries, or inside, by climbing the corporate ladder or receiving public acclaim. Companies are ready to reward hardworking brand ambassadors with extra cash in the form of bonuses and commissions (we'll get to them in a minute).

The accomplishment of any of these is sure to boost your self-esteem and happiness. The awareness that sales success entails is possibly the frosting on the cake.

  • Customers' issues were resolved thanks to your efforts.

  • A satisfied group of stockholders is because of you.

  • You ensured the continued employment of your company's tech support, operations, and administrative personnel.

  • An additional item is being brought back to you or your loved ones.

3. You're in the midst of a gold rush

Let's face it, the allure of sales is greatest where there is the most potential for financial gain. In the world of business, money plays a central role in the closing of deals. In most cases, sales activities are the key source of income creation for a company. It's a simple fact that a company cannot survive without customer payments.

This is why firms shower top salespeople with benefits like free meals and flights for reaching sales goals. According to the Census, sales positions offer some of the highest median wages in the country, with sales representatives earning an average base salary about double the average wage for all professions, and the best among them bringing in six-figure sums.

The sales industry is one of the few that may provide such a high earning potential. The prizes are yours to keep if you can meet or exceed your targets, which is easier said than done.

4. You're part of a dynamic, ever-changing workplace, and you're always on the go

Sales may be enjoyable despite the common occurrence of disappointment, false hope, exhaustion, and other negative emotions. A career in sales may provide a good dose of adventure and excitement because of the many risks that are inherent to the job. A sales profession might be stimulating because of the variety of tasks you'll be asked to do on a daily basis. You'll interact with a wide variety of individuals, including those who work in sales in a variety of capacities, as you assess the requirements of new markets and provide creative solutions to a variety of issues.

Big data, consumer analytics, and sales accelerating technology are all contributing to a dynamic shift in the buyer-seller relationship and the methods of reaching out to potential customers. Connections between people and products remain the backbone of the sales industry, but modern advances in automation and business analytics have made it possible to devote more time and energy to cultivating those relationships while still generating revenue.

Your network is robust and teeming with prospects since your sales force often interacts with internal stakeholders like marketing executives and product development in addition to customers.

5. You're headed in the right direction for a leadership role.

A person with war scars has an upper hand. Professionals and seasoned managers in the field of sales would never convince you that making a sale is simple. That's because a) it's not easy, b) it takes a lot of effort, c) salespeople are constantly thrust into new, sometimes unpleasant situations, and d) there are many potential dangers associated with the job. Those who are successful in it are generally the kind who can flourish in a wide variety of settings.

As may be expected, many CEOs and other high-ranking executives have a background in sales. As a result, they are able to hone the soft skills essential for managing teams and winning over consumers.

6. You have greater independence

Schedule flexibility is often offered in sales positions, however, this may vary by function and organization. As a result, you probably won't be chained to your desk for 8 hours per day and will have more flexibility to adjust your schedule in accordance with your client's shopping habits. Now you have more leeway to arrange your schedule on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis, depending on your needs.

As long as goals are reached, salespeople at certain organizations are essentially free to pursue their own interests. You can meet or surpass your sales goals while still having time for personal pursuits if you're a sales whiz (i.e., someone who uses the core tools to locate and engage new clients and the necessary abilities to complete transactions quicker than average). As a result, you'll have more time to pursue personal interests, go on a trip with loved ones, or master a new skill.

7. It's comforting to know that you're indispensable to businesses, rather than the other way around.

Job insecurity is a real concern in today's uncertain economic climate. However, if you're a top sales performer, you'll have a much easier time finding new employment or keeping your current job if the economy takes a turn for the worst. That's because, even in lean economic times, a firm still needs some money coming in so it can pay the bills.

As a result of the importance management places on the sales process to the company's bottom line and growth, sales staff are often the last to be let off in the event of downsizing. Competent salespeople, however, have vital, transferable abilities that will remain in demand across sectors even if they decide to leave their current position.

sales interview

Find  the Best Sales Job for You: Tips You ought to understand what to search for before you can evaluate a sales position.

What are 5 tips you should know before going into sales?

The skill of selling is not one that can be learned overnight. Great salesmen have a number of common features, including perseverance, enthusiasm, and a positive outlook.

People who aren't trained salespeople may still sometimes be put in a circumstance where they must make a sale. In order to get funding or new customers, startup founders and entrepreneurs may have to sell part of their goods or services on their own. Anyone may improve their sales performance by learning and practicing certain fundamental techniques.

In light of this, here's a list of some of the essential sales pointers for newcomers.

Identify your ideal clientele before starting any sales efforts.

When selling, the first and most important guideline is to identify your target market.

This will not only increase your rate of success but will also save you time by preventing you from wasting energy on those who have no interest in what you have to offer.

Salespeople may identify their target demographic in a number of methods, from broad market trends to detailed buyer profiles developed in tandem with marketing. The sales process often involves a data-driven definition of the target demographic.

Creating a profile of your target consumer is a straightforward approach to thinking about who you're writing for. This summary will often include logistical and geographical details, such as the company's size, annual revenue, physical location, and the average job description of the individual you will be corresponding with. Instead of focusing on your own needs, prioritize those of your customers. It's not fun to be the target of a salesperson's pushy tactics.

Customers may sense when you're desperate. They may conclude that you don't have their greatest interests in mind and are simply interested in furthering your own agenda if you give off the impression that you're eager to close the deal at any cost.

The only reliable solution to this problem is to fully embrace client objectives, solicit comments, and prioritize the customer's requirements.

How do you know where they're experiencing the most discomfort? What kind of difficulties are they facing? Just what are their concerns about making a purchase of your goods or service?

Whether you're selling a product or service with the goal of helping customers with a problem, you should ask yourself if you can honestly answer yes to the questions above.

Focus on Selling Value, Not Features, and Benefits

It's a beginner move to create a lengthy list of your product's features and specs.

The prospect really does care about the product being sold. However, before making a purchase, consumers want assurance that the item would genuinely address their issue. Choose the specifications that you are certain can be utilized to solve their problem and explain how you did so.

By doing so, you're selling them on the product's whole worth rather than just its individual components. Keep in mind that if your product has a lot of features but the customer just needs a few, they may feel overwhelmed hearing about them all. There's a chance they'll look elsewhere for a better price.

Don't Let Rejection Break You

As a result of the inevitable rejection they will face in their line of work, successful salesmen develop thick skins. A high rate of rejection might be disheartening and take you off the game if you're not a seasoned salesperson. There is no foolproof method to overcome an irrational fear of being rejected or to prevent it from altering your outlook.

Nevertheless, it's important to build resiliency by accepting that failure is an inevitable part of sales. Individuals are under no obligation to purchase your wares, and there may be a number of factors at play in their decision to decline.

In short, you should attempt to avoid taking things too personally.

Integrity Should Be a Priority

When under intense pressure to close a deal at the moment, it might be tempting to tell the lead anything they want to hear.

This, however, might come back to bother you in the future.

For instance, if you guarantee outcomes for a customer but aren't confident in your ability to provide them, they may become dissatisfied if you sell them a product or service that doesn't live up to their expectations. This might lead to a request for a refund, and it could hurt your reputation if the consumer complains about it publicly, such as on social media.

Because of this, being forthright is usually recommended while making a deal. Rather than stretching the facts to please everyone, put your energy into assisting the clients to whom you can really be of use.

Prospects will respect you more for being honest, even if it's not what they'd like to hear just a moment. This increases the likelihood that they'll come back to you again in the future when they really have a need for your service or product.

Research Is Essential

The first step in making a sale is research, and this is especially true when dealing with expensive items.

Find out as much as you can about your prospects or leads, their company, their rivals, their sector, and the problems they're having so you may wow them. Making a pipeline allows you to record and learn as much as possible about your leads.

The good news is that you don't need specialized knowledge or costly instruments to do this kind of research for sales or referral marketing.

The business's official website is the best place to begin. Check out the background, goods, market position, voice, and staff of the firm.

You should next do a Google News check of the firm and, if applicable, your contact's name. This should provide light on the company's recent activity (mergers and acquisitions, new sales positions advertised, etc.) as well as its current financial health.

Next, check out the person's social media pages. Starting with their LinkedIn profile will provide you with a solid overview of their experience, skills, and history. You may use this information to see whether you share any contacts and to estimate the person's degree of familiarity with your service or product. Their recent participation on LinkedIn might reveal their thoughts on topical industry issues. Utilize for effective WhatsApp advertising.

Don't discount the power of insular networks. It's useful to come up with some small chat topics before a call or meeting. At this point in time, Twitter is an excellent resource for gathering data. 

Sales Job interview questions and answers for freshers

You should expect to be asked about yourself first and then about the firm you're interviewing with at the conclusion of a typical sales interview. While it's impossible to anticipate every question that may be asked during a sales interview, data and experience suggest that most queries are variations on a few key themes. Get that first job by answering these interview questions.

Introduce yourself and tell us a little bit about yourself

In most interviews, one question determines the pace and style of the remainder of the conversation. In your role as a salesman, this presentation might very well be the most crucial one you've ever made. Your skill to sell yourself and your ideas will be tested in this round of the interview process. They are also doing character assessments to learn more about you.

In addition, interviewers focus on how you present yourself to determine whether it matches the experiences and professional information you provide during the interview.

Begin by introducing yourself and the job you're looking for. Tell the interviewer how much you want the job and what you can offer to the table in terms of experience and accomplishments.

You need to emphasize your most impressive traits and the reasons why you are irreplaceable. You may describe yourself as "determined to achieve my objectives" or "not afraid of difficulty."

Alternatively, "I know that the key to reaching my ultimate objectives is the strength of the relationships I have built." Thanks to my diligence and determination, I will continue to push myself to new heights.

If you have any relevant experience, please share it.

Can you do cold calls effectively?

This is invaluable knowledge for every salesperson. Those in sales who are confident, talkative, and comfortable striking up conversations are more likely to be successful. They want to know more about who you are, therefore they ask this question during interviews. So, include an example in your response that demonstrates how you followed up on cold calls by doing research to show that you cared about the other person and his requirements.

You may say something like, "At my previous firm, I tried to make at minimum X cold calls each hour so that I could bring in at least Y warm leads."

Give an Example of a Time You Failed. If you could change anything, what would it be?

Salespeople are known for their ability to face setbacks squarely and learn from them in order to improve their performance in the future. A salesperson's ability to reflect on and learn from setbacks is essential.

Explain what you were hoping to accomplish, what went awry, who was engaged, and what you took away from the experience to answer this question. Honesty is highly valued by hiring managers.

Responding to the second portion of the question requires brevity and clarity. Be sure to let them know you learned from your mistakes and take precautions in the future.

One such response is, "I feel strongly against wasting precious selling time moping over the might-have-beens and might-have-nots of past failures." The lesson I've learned from that too is to not make the same mistake again. My setbacks are opportunities for growth, and I make it my mission to apply the lessons I've learned along the way to even more promising future endeavors.

Give me an idea of where you want your career to go in the near and far future.

Many businesses seek connections with ambitious people who know where they're going professionally. Demonstrates that you have excellent mental clarity and are making well-informed selections. The end consequence is a workforce that is fired up and eager to succeed.

Summarize in a few sentences the long- and short-term professional objectives you want to attain, and elaborate on why reaching these goals is so essential to you.

You might respond to this question by saying something like, "I am eager to get practical experience and improve my core talents as part of an operation-driven company." I want to test my mettle by taking on more difficult tasks. I want to one day be in a managing position, therefore honing my leadership abilities is a top priority. My short-term aims will serve as stepping stones to my long-term aspirations.

When juggling work and personal responsibilities, how do you find a happy medium?

The interviewer may ask this question for a variety of reasons. They are concerned that your private life could reflect poorly on your performance at work. Perhaps they are just curious about how seriously you take your work.

Answer based on what you learned about the company's core beliefs and culture.

This is how you should respond to the sales interview question: I know how crucial it is to have a well-rounded career and personal life. But what I've learned is that when you love what you're doing, it becomes easy. Your personal life may progress unimpeded by work worries.

I give my all to both my job and my family. I always spend time with loved ones on my days off. In addition, I am highly enthused by sales, which keeps me eager to return to work each day.

What Would Your Coworkers Say If They Were to Describe You?

The purpose of the interview is to determine whether or not you would be a good addition to the company's culture and work environment. Bring attention to your best qualities and the things that make you stand out among your friends.

As an example of a response, you might say something like, "I am renowned for my tenacity and the work I invest in to establish good connections with my customers. Workplace conflicts are also prevalent. The truth is that people have varying preferences when it comes to how they get things done. Whenever it comes to resolving conflicts in the workplace, however, my prior experiences have shown that I am a beneficial and courteous effect on the environment. I also feel that my colleagues will respect my integrity and willingness to speak out for what I think is fair.

Businesses want to find salespeople who are dedicated to improving their craft and staying abreast of developments in their field so they can provide cutting-edge advice to their clientele.

Demonstrate your enthusiasm for sales and learning to the interviewer. As a result, it's important to keep sales interesting by doing things like reading about the business, listening to the most recent podcasts, and listening to blogs on how to enhance your sales skills. Include the titles of the periodicals, books, or weblogs you regularly consume.

Discussing your participation in an offline or online sales training program demonstrates your dedication to the profession and will impress hiring managers.

Just how well versed are you in our company?

This is your opportunity to shine by showing that you have taken the initiative to learn as much as possible about the organization and the position you are applying for. Be well-informed about the firm in advance of your meeting with them. Suggest people research the firm and get feedback from former and current workers by consulting reputable sources.

To the best of your knowledge, please offer a brief summary of the organization's mission, services, and audience. If you have the expertise, you may also name-drop some of their main rivals and provide some quick comparisons. Don't be shy about expressing your gratitude for certain facets of the business. To show gratitude, you may say something like, "I value the efforts your organization does to ensure its workers' safety and well-being."

Is There Anything You Want to Ask Me?

Even though this is the last question the interviewer asks, it is still important. Be prepared with a set of thoughtful questions that demonstrates your interest in and enthusiasm for the position. Throughout this moment, you may inquire more about anything that piqued your interest during the interview process.

If you obtain the job, this will also be your opportunity to learn more about the firm and what is required of you.


One's career or company will benefit no matter what field one works in, but having a sales-oriented function is always a plus. Don't second-guess your desire for a career in sales; instead, take your cues from those who have already achieved great success in the field. Think about the transferable skills and qualities you'll acquire that will be useful for as long as there're goods, services, brands, or ideas to market. The high earning potential in sales positions is, of course, a significant perk.