Package Name
₹ 1000Free
/ 1st month
Discount codes with value upto full price
Job posts113
Duration3 days30 days30 days
Free Trial
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Upsell featureShow extra features but hazy and prompt to upsell to accessShow extra features but hazy and prompt to upsell to accessShow extra features but hazy and prompt to upsell to access
Enterprise users per plan
Number of positions per job post1525
Number of profiles / resumes / contact access Per Job Post5100750
Reminder email to upsell / renew 1 day Expiration notification Resume with fresh package1 week if applicable 3 days 1 day Expiration notification Resume with fresh package1 week if applicable 3 days 1 day Expiration notification Resume with fresh package
Reminder notification to upsell / renewCounters in some dashboardCounters in some dashboardCounters in some dashboard
Consumption statusCounters in some dashboardCounters in some dashboardCounters in some dashboard
Success Fee billed separatelyYes 5% CTCYes 6-10%
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